Pets in 2017

 The kids wanted to have pets, goofy fishes, and crawfishes.  Recently, we ordered blue, red, and white crawfishes.  However, the red one died soon after had arrived two hour ago.  
One of mommy hamsters had six babies but two of them were alive.  Would you congradulate the mommy hamster 'cause of feeding of her babies well.  I think   two- tenth don't know how to care of the babies.   Many of them kill their little and cute babies one of causes as below.   First,  don't know how to take care of babies.   Second,  they have small space.   Third, young to have babies.   Forth,   the babies are touched by human and have stress.

July 17 2017
The white crawfish died and blue crawfish died.  It is not easy to tame them as pets. 
